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Folger Tooltips: updates on links to early Shakespeare editions

Hello dear readers:

Past tooltip posts have highlighted various efforts at digital outreach to academics, e.g., via links to our Digital image database from Hamnet, or from finding aids. But fulfilling the mission of the Folger requires more than that—among other things, we also aim to provide digital access to the collection for multiple additional audience types, from teachers at all levels, to young students, to life-long learners.

The Folger website gets a LOT of hits, as a source for information about Shakespeare and early modern Europe trusted by various audiences. The section called “Discover Shakespeare” is usually near the top of the list. Written for a general audience (rather than a scholarly one), this area of our website includes details about the life of William Shakespeare, a section developed by the Folger’s K-12 Education Division on Shakespeare for Kids (one of the very-highest-ranking across the full website), and much more.